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CGrateS – ActionTriggers

In our last post we looked at Actions and ActionPlans, and one of the really funky things we can do is setting ActionPlans to trigger on a time schedule or setting ActionTriggers to trigger on an event.

We’re going to build on the examples we had on the last post, so we’ll assume your code is up to the point where we’ve added a Signup Bonus to an account, using an ActionPlan we assigned when creating the account.

In this post, we’re going to create an action that charges $6, called “Action_Monthly_Charge“, and tie it to an ActionPlan called “ActionPlan_Monthly_Charge“, but to demo how this works rather than charging this Monthly, we’re going to charge it every minute.

Then with our balances ticking down, we’ll set up an ActionTrigger to trigger when the balance drops below $95, and alert us.

Defining the Monthly Charge Action

The Action for the Monthly charge will look much like the other actions we’ve defined, except the Identifier is *debit so we know we’re deducting from the balance, and we’ll log to the CDRs table too:

# Action to add a Monthly charge of $6
Action_Monthly_Charge = {
    "id": "0",
    "method": "ApierV1.SetActions",
    "params": [
          "ActionsId": "Action_Monthly_Charge",
          "Actions": [
                'Identifier': '*debit',
                'BalanceType': '*monetary',
               'Units': 6,
               'Id': 'Action_Monthly_Charge_Debit',
               'Weight': 70},
                  "Identifier": "*log",
                  "Weight": 60,
                  'Id' : "Action_Monthly_Charge_Log"
                  "Identifier": "*cdrlog",
                  "BalanceId": "",
                  "BalanceUuid": "",
                  "BalanceType": "*monetary",
                  "Directions": "*out",
                  "Units": 0,
                  "ExpiryTime": "",
                  "Filter": "",
                  "TimingTags": "",
                  "DestinationIds": "",
                  "RatingSubject": "",
                  "Categories": "",
                  "SharedGroups": "",
                  "BalanceWeight": 0,
                  "ExtraParameters": "{\"Category\":\"^activation\",\"Destination\":\"Recurring Charge\"}",
                  "BalanceBlocker": "false",
                  "BalanceDisabled": "false",
                  "Weight": 80

Next we’ll need to wrap this up into an ActionPlan, this is where some of the magic happens. Inside the action plan we can set a once off time, or a recurring time, kinda like Cron.

We’re setting the time to *every_minute so things will happen quickly while we watch, this action will get triggered every 60 seconds. In real life of course, for a Monthly charge, we’d want to trigger this Action monthly, so we’d set this value to *monthly. If we wanted this to charge on the 2nd of the month we’d set the MonthDays to “2”, etc, etc.

# # Create ActionPlan using SetActionPlan to trigger the Action_Monthly_Charge
SetActionPlan_Daily_Action_Monthly_Charge_JSON = {
    "method": "ApierV1.SetActionPlan",
    "params": [{
        "Id": "ActionPlan_Monthly_Charge",
        "ActionPlan": [{
            "ActionsId": "Action_Monthly_Charge",
            "Years": "*any",
            "Months": "*any",
            "MonthDays": "*any",
            "WeekDays": "*any",
            "Time": "*every_minute",
            "Weight": 10
        "Overwrite": True,
        "ReloadScheduler": True

Alright, but now what’s going to happen?

If you think the accounts will start getting debited every 60 seconds after applying this, you’d be wrong, we need to associate this ActionPlan with an Account first, this is how we control which accounts get which ActionPlans tied to them, to do this we’ll use the SetAccout API again we’ve been using to create accounts:

# Create the Account object inside CGrateS & assign ActionPlan_Signup_Bonus and ActionPlan_Monthly_Charge
Create_Account_JSON = {
    "method": "ApierV2.SetAccount",
    "params": [
            "Tenant": "",
            "Account": str(Account),
            "ActionPlanIds": ["ActionPlan_Signup_Bonus", "ActionPlan_Monthly_Charge"],
            "ActionPlansOverwrite": True,

So what’s going to happen if we run this?

Well, for starters the ActionPlan named “ActionPlan_Signup_Bonus” is going to be triggered, as in the ActionPlan it’s Timing is set to *asap, so CGrateS will apply the corresponding Action (“Action_Add_Signup_Bonus“) right away, which will credit the account $99.

But a minute after that, we’ll trigger the ActionPlan named “ActionPlan_Monthly_Charge”, as the timing for this is set to *every_minute, when the Action “Action_Monthly_Charge” is triggered, it’s going to be deducting $6 from the balance.

We can check this by using the GetAccount API:

# Get Account Info
pprint.pprint(CGRateS_Obj.SendData({'method': 'ApierV2.GetAccount', 'params': [
              {"Tenant": "", "Account": str(Account)}]}))

You should see a balance of $99 to start with, and then after 60 seconds, it should be down to $93, and so on.

{'error': None,
 'id': None,
 'result': {'ActionTriggers': None,
            'AllowNegative': False,
            'BalanceMap': {'*monetary': [{'Blocker': False,
                                          'Categories': {},
                                          'DestinationIDs': {},
                                          'Disabled': False,
                                          'ExpirationDate': '2023-11-17T14:57:20.71493633+11:00',
                                          'Factor': None,
                                          'ID': 'Balance_Signup_Bonus',
                                          'RatingSubject': '',
                                          'SharedGroups': {},
                                          'TimingIDs': {},
                                          'Timings': None,
                                          'Uuid': '3a896369-8107-4e32-bcef-2d078c981b8a',
                                          'Value': 99,
                                          'Weight': 1200}]},
            'Disabled': False,
            'ID': '',
            'UnitCounters': None,
            'UpdateTime': '2023-10-17T14:57:21.802521707+11:00'}}

Triggering Actions based on Balances with ActionTriggers

Okay, so we’ve set up recurring charges, now let’s get notified if the balance drops below $95, we’ll start, like we have before, with defining an Action, this will log to the CDRs table, HTTP post and write to syslog:

#Define a new Action to send an HTTP POST
Action_HTTP_Notify_95 = {
    "id": "0",
    "method": "ApierV1.SetActions",
    "params": [
          "ActionsId": "Action_HTTP_Notify_95",
          "Actions": [
                  "Identifier": "*cdrlog",
                  "BalanceId": "",
                  "BalanceUuid": "",
                  "BalanceType": "*monetary",
                  "Directions": "*out",
                  "Units": 0,
                  "ExpiryTime": "",
                  "Filter": "",
                  "TimingTags": "",
                  "DestinationIds": "",
                  "RatingSubject": "",
                  "Categories": "",
                  "SharedGroups": "",
                  "BalanceWeight": 0,
                  "ExtraParameters": "{\"Category\":\"^activation\",\"Destination\":\"Balance dipped below $95\"}",
                  "BalanceBlocker": "false",
                  "BalanceDisabled": "false",
                  "Weight": 80
                  "Identifier": "*http_post_async",
                  "ExtraParameters": "",
                  "ExpiryTime": "*unlimited",
                  "Weight": 700
                  "Identifier": "*log",
                  "Weight": 1200

Now we’ll define an ActionTrigger to check if the balance is below $95 and trigger our newly created Action (“Action_HTTP_Notify_95“) when that condition is met:

#Define ActionTrigger
ActionTrigger_95_Remaining_JSON = {
    "method": "APIerSv1.SetActionTrigger",
    "params": [
            "GroupID" : "ActionTrigger_95_Remaining",
                    "BalanceType": "*monetary",
                    "Balance" : {
                        'BalanceType': '*monetary',
                        'ID' : "*default",
                        'BalanceID' : "*default",
                        'Value' : 95,
                    "ThresholdType": "*min_balance",
                    "ThresholdValue": 95,
                    "Weight": 10,
                    "ActionsID" : "Action_HTTP_Notify_95",
            "Overwrite": True

We’ve defined the ThresholdType of *min_balance, but we could equally set this to ThresholdType to *max_balance, *balance_expired or trigger when a certain Counter has been triggered enough times.

Adding an ActionTrigger to an Account

Again, like the ActionPlan we created before, before the ActionTrigger we just created will be used, we need to associate it with an Account, for this we’ll use the AddAccountActionTriggers API, specify the Account and the ActionTriggerID for the ActionTrigger we just created.

#Add ActionTrigger to Account 
Add_ActionTrigger_to_Account_JSON = {
    "method": "APIerSv1.AddAccountActionTriggers",
    "params": [
            "Tenant": "",
            "Account": str(Account),
            "ActionTriggerIDs": ["ActionTrigger_95_Remaining"],
            "ActionTriggersOverwrite": True

If we run this all together, creating the account with the “ActionPlan_Signup_Bonus” will give the account a $99 Balance. But after 60 seconds, “ActionPlan_Monthly_Charge” will kick in, and every 60 seconds after that, at which point the balance will get to below $95 when CGrateS will trigger the ActionTriggerActionTrigger_95_Remaining” and get the HTTP POST to the HTTP endpoint and log entry:

We can check on this using the ApierV2.GetAccount method, where we’ll see the ActionTrigger we just defined.

Checking out the LastExecutionTime we can see if the ActionTrigger been triggered or not.

So using this technique, we can notify a customer when they’ve used a certain amount of their balance, but we can lock out Accounts who have spent more than their allocated spend limit by setting an Action that suspends the Account once it reaches a certain level. We notify customers when balance expires, or if a certain number of counters has been triggered.

As always I’ve put all the code used in this example, from start to finish, up on GitHub.

BSF Addresses

The Binding Support Function is used in 4G and 5G networks to allow applications to authenticate against the network, it’s what we use to authenticate for XCAP and for an Entitlement Server.

Rather irritatingly, there are two BSF addresses in use:

If the ISIM is used for bootstrapping the FQDN to use is:

But if the USIM is used for bootstrapping the FQDN is

You can override this by setting the 6FDA EF_GBANL (GBA NAF List) on the USIM or equivalent on the ISIM, however not all devices honour this from my testing.

Most Popular Articles of 2022

Yes, this is a lazy post. As the year draws to a close I was asked to put together a list of the most popular posts of the year.

Of the posts written this, year, there’s been a lot for people who build and work on networks to make their lives easier and their workflows more efficient.

For builders of networks, the series Diameter Routing Agents, why you need them and how to build them is something I’m really happy with, and we started our series on CGrateS the amazingly complete and feature filled OCS / Billing engine, it is a hard slog to learn, but the payoff is worth it, and we’ll continue to build on in 2023.

For skills every engineer should have, the Filtering for 3GPP DNS in Wireshark will make debugging issues with SRV records, NAPTR and IMS easier.

If you’re looking for free tools to help your workflow in the cellular space, Scratch’n’nSniff makes remote packet captures a breeze, and our Remote Handset Tester allows us to test mobile phones inside our network from anywhere on the planet.

The most popular posts this year weren’t actually from this year, this time last year I posted the Evolved Packet Core Analysis Challenge – The Skill-tester / Claw Machine of the Telecom world, test your EPC knowhow and skills!

As more and more readers are starting to work with 5GC this past year, My first 5G Core: Open5Gs and UERANSIM has been very popular as folks dip a toe in the water with 5GC.

As people are faced with the idea of actually implementing 5G standalone, SUCIs an SUPIs are something people are looking to understand, and see how this plays on the auth side, USIM Authentication in 5G/NR has been referenced a lot, along with the confidentiality algorithms used in 3GPP networks.

As people are introduced to the NRF, the post “If you like Pina Coladas, and service the control plane – Intro to NRF in 5GC” has also seen a lot of traffic.

On a personal notes, it looks like I finished every book in my reading list (Except Girdle Round the Earth that’s still on my bedside table), I did take a break from writing around the middle of the year, but weekly ish posts are coming back.

If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find me, drop me a line – [email protected] / LinkedIn / Twitter.

Adding USB-C Charging to an old ThinkPad

Long after humans reduce this planet to an inhospitable wasteland, cockroaches and my Lenovo ThinkPad will continue to survive.

My only gripe with my almost decade old laptop, is the charger. It has a standalone charger, and I can’t charge it on USB-C.

Way back in when Lenovo took over from IBM, the barrel jack style charger that ThinkPads had used was replaced with a slimmer rectangular charger port, to allow for more slimmer laptops. You can get adapters to allow you to use your old chargers with the new(er) laptops, and luckily for us, this means we have a cheap and readily available source of male slimline charger plugs, without having to resort to cutting up a charger.

And for a few bucks online, you can buy USB-C Power Delivery converters that you plug USB-C into one end of, and get out 20v on the other side…

So I combined the two; USB-C to 20v adapter on one side, and a cut up barrel-charger to slimline charger adapter on the other using the male slimline charger plug.

And bingo, just like that I’ve got a USB-C charging capability for my Thinkpad.

After potting in silicone, I’ve got something that can go in my backpack and allow me to charge my laptop on the go with a USB-C charger, for under $5 of parts.

Ubuntu Cloned VMs getting Duplicate IPs (and yes – the MAC Addresses are unique)

So I run a lot of VMs. It’s not unusual when I’m automating something with Ansible or setting up a complex lab to be running 20+ VMs at a time, and often I’ll create a base VM and clone it a dozen times.

Alas, Ubuntu 20.04 has some very irritating default behaviour, where even if the MAC addresses of these cloned VMs differ they get the same IP Address from DHCP.

That’s because by default Netplan doesn’t use the MAC address as the identifier when requesting a DHCP lease. And if you’ve cloned a VM the identifier it does use doesn’t change even if you do change the MAC address…

Irritating, but easily fixed!

Editing the netplan config:

      dhcp4: true
      dhcp-identifier: mac
  version: 2

Run a netplan-apply and you’re done.

Now you can clone that VM as many times as you like and each will get it’s own unique IP address.

Getting TEID up with GTP Tunnels

If you’re using an GSM / GPRS, UMTS, LTE or NR network, there’s a good chance all your data to and from the terminal is encapsulated in GTP.

GTP encapsulates user’s data into a GTP PDU / packet that can be redirected easily. This means as users of the network roam around from one part of the network to another, the destination IP of the GTP tunnel just needs to be updated, but the user’s IP address doesn’t change for the duration of their session as the user’s data is in the GTP payload.

One thing that’s a bit confusing is the TEID – Tunnel Endpoint Identifier.

Each tunnel has a sender TEID and transmitter TEID pair, as setup in the Create Session Request / Create Session Response, but in our GTP packet we only see one TEID.

There’s not much to a GTP-U header; at 8 bytes in all it’s pretty lightweight. Flags, message type and length are all pretty self explanatory. There’s an optional sequence number, the TEID value and the payload itself.

So the TEID identifies the tunnel, but it’s worth keeping in mind that the TEID only identifies a data flow from one Network Element to another, for example eNB to S-GW would have one TEID, while S-GW to P-GW would have another TEID.

Each tunnel has two TEIDs, a sending TEID and a receiving TEID. For some reason (Minimize overhead on backhaul maybe?) only the sender TEID is included in the GTP header;

This means a packet that’s coming from a mobile / UE will have one TEID, while a packet that’s going to the same mobile / UE will have a different TEID.

Mapping out TIEDs is typically done by looking at the Create Session Request / Responses, the Create Session Request will have one TIED, while the Create Session Response will have a different TIED, thus giving you your TIED pair.