Category Archives: SDM

ENUM – DNS based Call Routing

DNS is commonly used for resolving domain names to IP Addresses, and is often described as being like “the phone book of the Internet”.

So what’s the phone book of phone books?

The answer, is (kind of) DNS. With the aid of E.164 number to URI mapping (ENUM), DNS can be used to resolve phone numbers into SIP URIs to route the traffic to.

So what is ENUM?

ENUM allows us to bypass the need for a central switch for routing calls to numbers, and instead, through a DNS lookup, resolve a phone number into a reachable SIP URI that is the ultimate destination for the traffic.

Imagine you want to call a company, you dial the phone number for that company, your phone does a DNS query against the phone number, which returns the SIP URI of the company’s PBX, and your phone sends the SIP INVITE directly to the company’s PBX, with no intermediary party carrying the call.

3GPP have specified ENUM as the prefered mechanism for resolving phone numbers into SIP addresses, and while it’s widespread adoption on the public Internet is still in its early days (See my post on The Sad story of ENUM in Australia) it is increasingly common in IMS networks and inside operator networks.

IETF defined RFC 6116 for “The E.164 to Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (DDDS) Application (ENUM)”, which defines how the system works.

So how does ENUM actually work?

ENUM allow us to lookup a phone number on a DNS server and find the SIP URI a server that will handle traffic for the phone number, but it’s a bit more complicated than the A or AAAA records you’d use to resolve a website, ENUM relies on NAPTR records.

Let’s look at the steps involved in taking an E.164 number and knowing where to send it.

Step 1 – Reverse the Numbers

We read phone numbers from left to right.

This is because historically the switch needs to get all the long-distance routing sorted first. The switch has to route your call to the exchange that serves that subscriber, which is what all the area codes and prefixes assigned to areas are all about (Throwback to SZU for any old Telco buffs).

For an E.164 number you’ve got a Country Code, Area Code and then the Subscriber Number. The number gets more specific as it goes along.

But getting more specific as you go along is the opposite how how DNS works, millions of domains share the .com suffix, and the unique / specific part is the bits before that.

So the first step in the ENUM process is to reverse the phone number, so let’s take phone number (03) 5550 0912, which in E.164 is +61 3 5550 0912.

As the spaces in the phone numbers are there for the humans, we’ll drop all of them and reverse the number, as DNS is more specific right-to-left, so we end up with

Step 2 – Add the Suffix

The ITU ENUM specifies the suffix be assigned for public ENUM entries. Private ENUM deployments may use their own suffix, but to make life simple I’m going to use as if it were public.

So we’ll append the domain onto our reversed and formatted E.164 phone number:

Step 3 – Query it

Next we’ll run a Naming Authority Pointer (NAPTR) query against the domain, to get back a list of records for that number.

DNS is a big topic, and NAPTR and SRV takes up a good chunk of it, but what you need to know is that by using NAPTR we’re not limited to just a single response, we could have a weighted pool of servers handling traffic for this phone number, and be able to control load through the use of NAPTR, amongst other things.

Of course, if our phone can query the public NAPTR records, then so can anyone else, so we can just use a tool like Dig to query the record ourselves,

dig @ -t naptr

In the answers section I’ve setup this DNS server to only return a single response, with the regex SIP URI to use, in my case that’s sip:[email protected]

You’ll obviously need to replace the DNS server with your DNS server, and the query with the reversed and formatted version of the E.164 number you wish to query.

Step 4 – Send SIP traffic

After looking at the NAPTR records returned and using the weight and priority to determine which server/s to send to first, our phone forwards an INVITE to the URI returned in the NAPTR record.

How to interpret the returned results?

The first thing to keep in mind when working with ENUM is multiple records being returned is supported, and even encouraged.

NAPTR results return 7 fields, which define how it should be handled.

The host part is fairly obvious, and defines the host / DNS entry we’re talking about.

The Service defines what type of service this is. ENUM can be expanded beyond just voice, for example you may want to also return an email address or IM address as well as a SIP Address on an ENUM query, which you can do. By default voice uses the “E2U+sip” service to identify SIP URIs to route calls to, so in this context that’s what we’re interested in, but keep in mind there are other types out there,

Example ENUM query against a phone number showing other types of services (Email & Web)

The Order simply defines the order in which the rules are to be parsed. Lower numbers are processed first, if no matches then the next lowest, and so on until the highest number is reached.

The Pref is the processing preference. For load balancing 50/50 between two sites say a Melbourne and Sydney site, we’d return two results, with the same Order, and the same Pref, would see traffic split 50/50 between the two sites.
We could split this further, a Pref value of 10 for Melbourne, 10 for Sydney, 5 for Brisbane and 5 for Perth would see 33% of calls route to Melbourne, 33% of calls route to Sydney, 16.5% of calls route to Brisbane and 16.5% of calls route to Perth.
This is because we’d have a total preference value of 30, and the individual preference for each entry would work out as the fraction of the total (ie Pref 10 out of 30 = 10/30 or 33.3%).

The Flags denote the type of record we’re going to get, for most ENUM traffic this is going to be set to U, to denote a SIP URI with Regex.

The regexp field contains our SIP URI in the form of a Regular expression, which can include pattern matching and replacement. This is most commonly used to fill in the phone number into the SIP URI, for example instead of hardcoding the phone number into the response, we could use a Regular expression to fill in the requested number into the SIP URI.

!(^.*$)!sip:+1\[email protected]!

ENUM sounds great, how do I get it?

Here’s the tricky part.

If you’re looking to implement ENUM for an internal network, great, I’ll have some more posts here over the next few weeks covering off configuration of a DNS server to support ENUM lookups, and using Kamailio to lookup ENUM routes.

In terms of public ENUM, while many carriers are using ENUM inside their networks, public adoption of ENUM in most markets has been slow, for a number of reasons.

Many incumbent operators have been reluctant to embrace public ENUM as their role as an operator would be relegated to that of a Domain registrar.
Additionally, there’s real security risks involved in moving to ENUM – opening your phone system up to the world to accept inbound calls from anywhere. This could lead to DOS-style attacks of flooding phone numbers with automatically generated traffic, privacy risks and even less validation in terms of caller ID trust.

RIPE maintains the website listing the status of ENUM for each country / region.

Telephony binary-coded decimal (TBCD) in Python with Examples

Chances are if you’re reading this, you’re trying to work out what Telephony Binary-Coded Decimal encoding is. I got you.

Again I found myself staring at encoding trying to guess how it worked, reading references that looped into other references, in this case I was encoding MSISDN AVPs in Diameter.

How to Encode a number using Telephony Binary-Coded Decimal encoding?

First, Group all the numbers into pairs, and reverse each pair.

So a phone number of 123456, becomes:


Because 1 & 2 are swapped to become 21, 3 & 4 are swapped to become 34, 5 & 6 become 65, that’s how we get that result.

TBCD Encoding of numbers with an Odd Length?

If we’ve got an odd-number of digits, we add an F on the end and still flip the digits,

For example 789, we add the F to the end to pad it to an even length, and then flip each pair of digits, so it becomes:


That’s the abbreviated version of it. If you’re only encoding numbers that’s all you’ll need to know.

Detail Overload

Because the numbers 0-9 can be encoded using only 4 bits, the need for a whole 8 bit byte to store this information is considered excessive.

For example 1 represented as a binary 8-bit byte would be 00000001, while 9 would be 00001001, so even with our largest number, the first 4 bits would always going to be 0000 – we’d only use half the available space.

So TBCD encoding stores two numbers in each Byte (1 number in the first 4 bits, one number in the second 4 bits).

To go back to our previous example, 1 represented as a binary 4-bit word would be 0001, while 9 would be 1001. These are then swapped and concatenated, so the number 19 becomes 1001 0001 which is hex 0x91.

Let’s do another example, 82, so 8 represented as a 4-bit word is 1000 and 2 as a 4-bit word is 0010. We then swap the order and concatenate to get 00101000 which is hex 0x28 from our inputted 82.

Final example will be a 3 digit number, 123. As we saw earlier we’ll add an F to the end for padding, and then encode as we would any other number,

F is encoded as 1111.

1 becomes 0001, 2 becomes 0010, 3 becomes 0011 and F becomes 1111. Reverse each pair and concatenate 00100001 11110011 or hex 0x21 0xF3.

Special Symbols (#, * and friends)

Because TBCD Encoding was designed for use in Telephony networks, the # and * symbols are also present, as they are on a telephone keypad.

Astute readers may have noticed that so far we’ve covered 0-9 and F, which still doesn’t use all the available space in the 4 bit area.

The extended DTMF keys of A, B & C are also valid in TBCD (The D key was sacrificed to get the F in).

Symbol4 Bit Word
*1 0 1 0
#1 0 1 1
a1 1 0 0
b1 1 0 1
c1 1 1 0

So let’s run through some more examples,

*21 is an odd length, so we’ll slap an F on the end (*21F), and then encoded each pair of values into bytes, so * becomes 1010, 2 becomes 0010. Swap them and concatenate for our first byte of 00101010 (Hex 0x2A). F our second byte 1F, 1 becomes 0001 and F becomes 1111. Swap and concatenate to get 11110001 (Hex 0xF1). So *21 becomes 0x2A 0xF1.

And as promised, some Python code from PyHSS that does it for you:

    def TBCD_special_chars(self, input):
        if input == "*":
            return "1010"
        elif input == "#":
            return "1011"
        elif input == "a":
            return "1100"
        elif input == "b":
            return "1101"
        elif input == "c":
            return "1100"      
            print("input " + str(input) + " is not a special char, converting to bin ")
            return ("{:04b}".format(int(input)))

    def TBCD_encode(self, input):
        print("TBCD_encode input value is " + str(input))
        offset = 0
        output = ''
        matches = ['*', '#', 'a', 'b', 'c']
        while offset < len(input):
            if len(input[offset:offset+2]) == 2:
                bit = input[offset:offset+2]    #Get two digits at a time
                bit = bit[::-1]                 #Reverse them
                #Check if *, #, a, b or c
                if any(x in bit for x in matches):
                    new_bit = ''
                    new_bit = new_bit + str(TBCD_special_chars(bit[0]))
                    new_bit = new_bit + str(TBCD_special_chars(bit[1]))    
                    bit = str(int(new_bit, 2))
                output = output + bit
                offset = offset + 2
                bit = "f" + str(input[offset:offset+2])
                output = output + bit
                print("TBCD_encode output value is " + str(output))
                return output

    def TBCD_decode(self, input):
        print("TBCD_decode Input value is " + str(input))
        offset = 0
        output = ''
        while offset < len(input):
            if "f" not in input[offset:offset+2]:
                bit = input[offset:offset+2]    #Get two digits at a time
                bit = bit[::-1]                 #Reverse them
                output = output + bit
                offset = offset + 2
            else:   #If f in bit strip it
                bit = input[offset:offset+2]
                output = output + bit[1]
                print("TBCD_decode output value is " + str(output))
                return output

The PLMN Problem for Private LTE / 5G

So it’s the not to distant future and the pundits vision of private LTE and 5G Networks was proved correct, and private networks are plentiful.

But what PLMN do they use?

The PLMN (Public Land Mobile Network) ID is made up of a Mobile Country Code + Mobile Network Code. MCCs are 3 digits and MNCs are 2-3 digits. It’s how your phone knows to connect to a tower belonging to your carrier, and not one of their competitors.

For example in Australia (Mobile Country Code 505) the three operators each have their own MCC. Telstra as the first licenced Mobile Network were assigned 505/01, Optus got 505/02 and VHA / TPG got 505/03.

Each carrier was assigned a PLMN when they started operating their network. But the problem is, there’s not much space in this range.

The PLMN can be thought of as the SSID in WiFi terms, but with a restriction as to the size of the pool available for PLMNs, we’re facing an IPv4 exhaustion problem from the start if we’re facing an explosion of growth in the space.

Let’s look at some ways this could be approached.

Everyone gets a PLMN

If every private network were to be assigned a PLMN, we’d very quickly run out of space in the range. Best case you’ve got 3 digits, so only space for 1,000 networks.

In certain countries this might work, but in other areas these PLMNs may get gobbled up fast, and when they do, there’s no more. New operators will be locked out of the market.

Loaner PLMNs

Carriers already have their own PLMNs, they’ve been using for years, some kit vendors have been assigned their own as well.

If you’re buying a private network from an existing carrier, they may permit you to use their PLMN,

Or if you’re buying kit from an existing vendor you may be able to use their PLMN too.

But what happens then if you want to move to a different kit vendor or another service provider? Do you have to rebuild your towers, reconfigure your SIMs?

Are you contractually allowed to continue using the PLMN of a third party like a hardware vendor, even if you’re no longer purchasing hardware from them? What happens if they change their mind and no longer want others to use their PLMN?

Everyone uses 999 / 99

The ITU have tried to preempt this problem by reallocating 999/99 for use in Private Networks.

The problem here is if you’ve got multiple private networks in close proximity, especially if you’re using CBRS or in close proximity to other networks, you may find your devices attempting to attach to another network with the same PLMN but that isn’t part of your network,

Mobile Country or Geographical Area Codes
Note from TSB
Following the agreement on the Appendix to Recommendation ITU-T E.212 on “shared E.212 MCC 999 for internal use within a private network” at the closing plenary of ITU-T SG2 meeting of 4 to 13 July 2018, upon the advice of ITU-T Study Group 2, the Director of TSB has assigned the Mobile Country Code (MCC) “999” for internal use within a private network. 

Mobile Network Codes (MNCs) under this MCC are not subject to assignment and therefore may not be globally unique. No interaction with ITU is required for using a MNC value under this MCC for internal use within a private network. Any MNC value under this MCC used in a network has
significance only within that network. 

The MNCs under this MCC are not routable between networks. The MNCs under this MCC shall not be used for roaming. For purposes of testing and examples using this MCC, it is encouraged to use MNC value 99 or 999. MNCs under this MCC cannot be used outside of the network for which they apply. MNCs under this MCC may be 2- or 3-digit.

(Recommendation ITU-T E.212 (09/2016))

The Crystal Ball?

My bet is we’ll see the ITU allocate an MCC – or a range of MCCs – for private networks, allowing for a pool of PLMNs to use.

When deploying networks, Private network operators can try and pick something that’s not in use at the area from a pool of a few thousand options.

The major problem here is that there still won’t be an easy way to identify the operator of a particular network; the SPN is local only to the SIM and the Network Name is only present in the NAS messaging on an attach, and only after authentication.

If you’ve got a problem network, there’s no easy way to identify who’s operating it.

But as eSIMs become more prevalent and BIP / RFM on SIMs will hopefully allow operators to shift PLMNs without too much headache.

Diameter Agents

Let’s take a look at each of the common Diameter agent variants in use today:

Diameter Relay Agent / Diameter Routing Agent (DRA)

This is the simplest of the Diameter agents, but also probably the most common. The Diameter Relay agent does not look at the contents of the AVPs, it just routes messages based on the Application ID or Destination realm.

A Diameter Relay Agent does not change any AVPs except routing AVPs.

DRAs are transaction aware, but not dialog aware. This means they know if the Diameter request made it to the destination, but have no tracking of getting a response.

DRAs are common as a central hub for all Diameter hub in a network. This allows for a star topology where every Diameter service connects to a central DRA (typically two DRAs for redundancy) for a central place to manage Diameter routing, instead of having to do a full-mesh topology, which would be a nightmare on larger networks.

I recently wrote about creating a simple but unstable DRA with Kamailio.

Diameter Edge Agent

A Diameter Edge Agent is a special DRA that sits on the border between two networks and acts as a gateway between them.

Imagine a roaming exchange scenario, where each operator has to expose their core Diameter servers or DRAs to all the other operators they have roaming agreements with. Like we saw with the DRA to do a full-mesh style connection arrangement would be a mess, and wouldn’t allow internal changes inside the network without significant headaches.

Instead by putting a Diameter Edge Agent at the edge of the network, the operators who wish to access our Diameter information for roaming, only need to connect to a single point, and we can change whatever we like on the inside of the network, adding and removing servers, without having to update our roaming information (IR 21).

We can also strictly enforce security policies on rate limits and admission control, centrally, for all connections in from other operators.

Diameter Proxy Agent

The Diameter Proxy Agent does everything a DRA does, and more!

The Diameter Proxy Agent is application aware, meaning it can decode the AVPs and make decisions based upon the contents of the AVPs. It’s also able to edit / add / delete AVPs and Sub-AVPs.

These are useful for interconnect scenarios where you might need to re-write the value of an AVP, or translate a realm etc, on a Diameter request/response journey.

Diameter Translation Agent

Diameter Translation agents are used for translating between protocols, for example Diameter into MAP for GSM authentication, or into HTTP for 5G authentication.

For 5GC a new network element – the “Binding Support Function” (BSF) is introduced to translate between HTTP for 5G and Diameter for LTE, however this can be thought of as another Diameter Translation Agent.

IMS Routing with iFCs

SIP routing is complicated, there’s edge cases, traffic that can be switched locally and other traffic that needs to be proxied off to another Proxy or Application server. How can you define these rules and logic in a flexible way, that allows these rules to be distributed out to multiple different network elements and adjusted on a per-subscriber basis?

Enter iFCs – The Initial Filter Criteria.

iFCs are XML encoded rules to define which servers should handle traffic matching a set of rules.

Let’s look at some example rules we might want to handle through iFCs:

  • Send all SIP NOTIFY, SUBSCRIBE and PUBLISH requests to a presence server
  • Any Mobile Originated SMS to an SMSc
  • Calls to a specific destination to a MGC
  • Route any SIP INVITE requests with video codecs present to a VC bridge
  • Send calls to Subscribers who aren’t registered to a Voicemail server
  • Use 3rd party registration to alert a server that a Subscriber has registered

All of these can be defined and executed through iFCs, so let’s take a look,

iFC Structure

iFCs are encoded in XML and typically contained in the Cx-user-data AVP presented in a Cx Server Assignment Answer response.

Let’s take a look at an example iFC and then break down the details as to what we’re specifying.


Each rule in an iFC is made up of a Priority, TriggerPoint and ApplicationServer.

So for starters we’ll look at the Priority tag.
The Priority tag allows us to have multiple-tiers of priority and multiple levels of matching,
For example if we had traffic matching the conditions outlined in this rule (TriggerPoint) but also matching another rule with a lower priority, the lower priority rule would take precedence.

Inside our <TriggerPoint> tag contains the specifics of the rules and how the rules will be joined / matched, which is what we’ll focus on predominantly, and is followed by the <ApplicationServer> which is where we will route the traffic to if the TriggerPoint is matched / triggered.

So let’s look a bit more about what’s going on inside the TriggerPoint.

Each TriggerPoint is made up of Service Point Trigger (SPTs) which are individual rules that are matched or not matched, that are either combined as logical AND or logical OR statements when evaluated.

By using fairly simple building blocks of SPTs we can create a complex set of rules by joining them together.

Service Point Triggers (SPTs)

Let’s take a closer look at what goes on in an SPT.
Below is a simple SPT that will match all SIP requests using the SIP MESSAGE method request type:


So as you may have guessed, the <Method> tag inside the SPT defines what SIP request method we’re going to match.

But Method is only one example of the matching mechanism we can use, but we can also match on other attributes, such as Request URI, SIP Header, Session Case (Mobile Originated vs Mobile Terminated) and Session Description such as SDP.

Or an example of a SPT for anything Originating from the Subscriber utilizing the <SessionCase> tag inside the SPT.


Below is another SPT that’s matching any requests where the request URI is sip:[email protected] by setting the <RequestURI> tag inside the SPT:

            <RequestURI>sip:[email protected]</RequestURI>

We can match SIP headers, either looking for the existence of a header or the value it is set too,


Having <Header> will match if the header is present, while the optional Content tag can be used to match

In terms of the Content this is matched using Regular Expressions, but in this case, not so regular regular expressions. 3GPP selected Extended Regular Expressions (ERE) to be used (IEEE POSIX) which are similar to the de facto standard PCRE Regex, but with a few fewer parameters.

Condition Negated

The <ConditionNegated> tag inside the SPT allows us to do an inverse match.

In short it will match anything other than what is specified in the SPT.

For example if we wanted to match any SIP Methods other than MESSAGE, setting <ConditionNegated>1</ConditionNegated> would do just that, as shown below:


And another example of ConditionNegated in use, this time we’re matching anything where the Request URI is not sip:[email protected]:

            <RequestURI>sip:[email protected]</RequestURI>

Finally the <Group> tag allows us to group together a group of rules for the purpose of evaluating.
We’ll go into it more in in the below section.

ConditionTypeCNF / ConditionTypeDNF

As we touched on earlier, <TriggerPoints> contain all the SPTs, but also, very importantly, specify how they will be interpreted.

SPTs can be joined in AND or OR conditions.

For some scenarios we may want to match where METHOD is MESSAGE and RequestURI is sip:[email protected], which is different to matching where the METHOD is MESSAGE or RequestURI is sip:[email protected].

This behaviour is set by the presence of one of the ConditionTypeCNF (Conjunctive Normal Form) or ConditionTypeDNF (Disjunctive Normal Form) tags.

If each SPT has a unique number in the GroupTag and ConditionTypeCNF is set then we evaluate as AND.

If each SPT has a unique number in the GroupTag and ConditionTypeDNF is set then we evaluate as OR.

Let’s look at how the below rule is evaluated as AND as ConditionTypeCNF is set:


This means we will match if the method is MESSAGE and Session Case is 0 (Mobile Originated) as each SPT is in a different Group which leads to “and” behaviour.

If we were to flip to ConditionTypeDNF each of the SPTs are evaluated as OR.


This means we will match if the method is MESSAGE and Session Case is 0 (Mobile Originated).

Where this gets a little bit more complex is when we have multiple entries in the same Group tag.

Let’s say we have a trigger point made up of:



How would this be evaluated?

If we use ConditionTypeDNF every SPT inside the same Group are matched as AND, and SPTs with distinct are matched as OR.

Let’s look at our example rule evaluated as ConditionTypeDNF:



This means the two entries in Group 1 are evaluated as AND – So Method is message and Session Case is 0, OR the header “P-Some-Header” is present.

Let’s do another one, this time as ConditionTypeCNF:



This means the two entries in Group 1 are evaluated as OR – So Method is message OR Session Case is 0, AND the header “P-Some-Header” is present.

Diameter Droplets – The Flow-Description AVP and IPFilterRules

When it comes to setting up dedicated bearers, the Flow-Description AVP is perhaps the most important,

The specially encoded string (IPFilterRule) in the FlowDescription AVP is what our P-GW (Ok, our PCEF) uses to create Traffic Flow Templates to steer certain types of traffic down Dedicated Bearers.

So let’s take a look at how we can lovingly craft an artisanal Flow-Description.

The contents of the AVP are technically not a string, but a IPFilterRule.

IPFilterRules are actually defined in the Diameter Base Protocol (IETF RFC 6733), where we can learn the basics of encoding them,

Which are in turn based loosely off the ipfw utility in BSD.

They take the format:

action dir proto from src to dst

The action is fairly simple, for all our Dedicated Bearer needs, and the Flow-Description AVP, the action is going to be permit. We’re not blocking here.

The direction (dir) in our case is either in or out, from the perspective of the UE.

Next up is the protocol number (proto), as defined by IANA, but chances are you’ll be using 17 (UDP) or 6 (TCP) in most scenarios.

The from value is followed by an IP address with an optional subnet mask in CIDR format, for example from would match everything in the network.
Following from you can also specify the port you want the rule to apply to, or, a range of ports,
For example to match a single port you could use 1234 to match anything on port 1234, but we can also specify ranges of ports like 0 – 4069 or even mix and match lists and single ports, like 5060, 1000-2000

Protip: using any is the same as

Like the from, the to is encoded in the same way, with either a single IP, or a subnet, and optional ports specified.

And that’s it!

Keep in mind that Flow-Descriptions are typically sent in pairs as a minimum, as you want to match the traffic into and out of the network (not just one way), but often there can be quite a few sent, in order to match all the possible traffic that needs to be matched that may be across multiple different subnets, etc.

There is an optional Options parameter that allows you to set things like to only apply the rule to open TCP sessions, fragmentation, etc, although I’ve not seen this implemented in the wild.

Example IP filter Rules

permit in 6 from 5061 to 5060
permit out 6 from 5060 to 5061

permit in 6 from any 80 to 80
permit out 6 from 80 to any 80

permit in 17 from 50000-60100 to 50000-60100
permit out 17 from 50000-60100 to 50000-60100

permit in 17 from 5061, 5064 to  5061, 5064
permit out 17 from 5061, 5064 to  5061, 5064

permit in 17 from 50000-60100, 5061, 5064 to  50000-60100, 5061, 5064
permit out 17 from 50000-60100, 5061, 5064 to  50000-60100, 5061, 5064

For more info see:

RFC 6773 – Diameter Base Protocol – IP Filter Rule

3GPP TS 29.214 section 5.3.8 Flow-Description AVP

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Open5Gs Database Schema Change

As Open5Gs has introduced network slicing, which led to a change in the database used,

Alas many users had subscribers provisioned in the old DB schema and no way to migrate the SDM data between the old and new schema,

If you’ve created subscribers on the old schema, and now after the updates your Subscriber Authentication is failing, check out this tool I put together, to migrate your data over.

The Open5Gs Python library I wrote has also been updated to support the new schema.

A very unstable Diameter Routing Agent (DRA) with Kamailio

I’d been trying for some time to get Kamailio acting as a Diameter Routing Agent with mixed success, and eventually got it working, after a few changes to the codebase of the ims_diameter_server module.

It is rather unstable, in that if it fails to dispatch to a Diameter peer, the whole thing comes crumbling down, but incoming Diameter traffic is proxied off to another Diameter peer, and Kamailio even adds an extra AVP.

Having used Kamailio for so long I was really hoping I could work with Kamailio as a DRA as easily as I do for SIP traffic, but it seems the Diameter module still needs a lot more love before it’ll be stable enough and simple enough for everyone to use.

I created a branch containing the fixes I made to make it work, and with an example config for use, but use with caution. It’s a long way from being production-ready, but hopefully in time will evolve.

SIM Card Sniffing with Wireshark

I never cease to be amazed as to what I can do with Wireshark.

While we’re working with Smart Card readers and SIM cards, capturing and Decoding USB traffic to see what APDUs are actually being sent can be super useful, so in this post we’ll look at how we can use Wireshark to sniff the USB traffic to view APDUs being sent to smart cards from other software.

For the purposes of this post I’ll be reading the SIM cards with pySim, but in reality it’ll work with any proprietary SIM software, allowing you to see what’s actually being said to the card by your computer.

If you want to see what’s being sent between your phone and SIM card, the Osmocom SIMtrace is the device for you (And yes it also uses Wireshark for viewing this data!).

Getting your System Setup

We’ve got to get some permissions setup,

sudo adduser $USER wireshark
sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common

Followed by a reboot to take effect, then we’ll run these two commands, which will need to be run each time we want to capture USB traffic:

modprobe usbmon
sudo setfacl -m u:$USER:r /dev/usbmon*

Ok, that’s all the prerequisites sorted, next we need to find the bus and device ID of our smart card reader,

We can get this listed with


Here you can see I have a Smart Card reader on Bus 1 device 03 and another on Bus 2 device 10.

The reader I want to use is the “SCM Microsystems, Inc. SCR35xx USB Smart Card Reader” so I’ll jott down Bus 2 device 10. Yours will obviously be different, but you get the idea.

Finding the USB traffic in Wireshark

Next we’ll fire up Wireshark, if you’ve got your permissions right and followed along, you should see a few more interfaces starting with usbmonX in the capture list.

Because the device I want to capture from is on Bus 2, we’ll select usbmon2 and start capturing,

As you can see we’ve got a bit of a firehose of data, and we only care about device 10 on bus 2, so let’s filter for that.

So let’s generate some data and then filter for it, to generate some data I’m going to run pySim-read to read the data on a smart card that’s connected to my PC, and then filter to only see traffic on that USB device,

In my case as the USB device is 10 it’s got two sub addresses, so I’ll filter for USB Bus 2, device 10 sub-address 1 and 2, so the filter I’ll use is:

usb.addr=="2.10.1" or usb.addr=="2.10.2"

But this doesn’t really show us much, so let’s tell Wireshark this is PCSC/UCCID data to decode it as such;

So we’ll select some of this traffic -> Decode as -> USBCCID

Still not seeing straight APDUs, so let’s tell Wireshark one more bit of information – That we want to decode this information as GSM SIM data;

Again, we’ll select the data part of the USBCCID traffic -> Decode As -> GSM_SIM

And bingo, just like that we can now filter by gsm_sim and see the APDUs being sent / received.

Wireshark is pretty good at decoding what is going on, SELECT, has all the File IDs populated for 3GPP SIM specification. (last year I submitted a patch to include the latests 5G EFs for decoding).

I’ve found this super useful for seeing what commercial software is doing to read cards, and to make it easy to reproduce myself.

SIM / Smart Card Deep Dive – Part 4 – Interacting with Cards IRL

This is part 3 of an n part tutorial series on working with SIM cards.

So in our last post we took a whirlwind tour of what an APDU does, is, and contains.

Interacting with a card involves sending the APDU data to the card as hex, which luckily isn’t as complicated as it seems.

While reading what the hex should look like on the screen is all well and good, actually interacting with cards is the name of the game, so that’s what we’ll be doing today, and we’ll start to abstract some of the complexity away.

Getting Started

To follow along you will need:

  • A Smart Card reader – SIM card / Smart Card readers are baked into some laptops, some of those multi-card readers that read flash/SD/CF cards, or if you don’t have either of these, they can be found online very cheaply ($2-3 USD).
  • A SIM card – No need to worry about ADM keys or anything fancy, one of those old SIM cards you kept in the draw because you didn’t know what to do with them is fine, or the SIM in our phone if you can find the pokey pin thing. We won’t go breaking anything, promise.

You may end up fiddling around with the plastic adapters to change the SIM form factor between regular smart card, SIM card (standard), micro and nano.

USB SIM / Smart Card reader supports all the standard form factors makes life a lot easier!

To keep it simple, we’re not going to concern ourselves too much with the physical layer side of things for interfacing with the card, so we’ll start with sending raw APDUs to the cards, and then we’ll use some handy libraries to make life easier.

PCSC Interface

To abstract away some complexity we’re going to use the industry-standard PCSC (PC – Smart Card) interface to communicate with our SIM card. Throughout this series we’ll be using a few Python libraries to interface with the Smart Cards, but under the hood all will be using PCSC to communicate.


I’m going to use Python3 to interface with these cards, but keep in mind you can find similar smart card libraries in most common programming languages.

At this stage as we’re just interfacing with Smart Cards, our library won’t have anything SIM-specific (yet).

We’ll use pyscard to interface with the PCSC interface. pyscard supports Windows and Linux and you can install it using PIP with:

pip install pyscard

So let’s get started by getting pyscard to list the readers we have available on our system:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from smartcard.System import *

Running this will output a list of the readers on the system:

Here we can see the two readers that are present on my system (To add some confusion I have two readers connected – One built in Smart Card reader and one USB SIM reader):

(If your device doesn’t show up in this list, double check it’s PCSC compatible, and you can see it in your OS.)

So we can see when we run readers() we’re returned a list of readers on the system.

I want to use my USB SIM reader (The one identified by Identiv SCR35xx USB Smart Card Reader CCID Interface 00 00), so the next step will be to start a connection with this reader, which is the first in the list.

So to make life a bit easier we’ll store the list of smart card readers and access the one we want from the list;

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from smartcard.System import *
r = readers()
connection = r[0].createConnection()

So now we have an object for interfacing with our smart card reader, let’s try sending an APDU to it.

Actually Doing something Useful

Today we’ll select the EF that contains the ICCID of the card, and then we will read that file’s binary contents.

This means we’ll need to create two APDUs, one to SELECT the file, and the other to READ BINARY to get the file’s contents.

We’ll set the instruction byte to A4 to SELECT, and B0 to READ BINARY.

Table of Instruction bytes from TS 102 221

APDU to select EF ICCID

The APDU we’ll send will SELECT (using the INS byte value of A4 as per the above table) the file that contains the ICCID.

Each file on a smart card has been pre-created and in the case of SIM cards at least, is defined in a specification.

For this post we’ll be selecting the EF ICCID, which is defined in TS 102 221.

Information about EF-ICCID from TS 102 221

To select it we will need it’s identifier aka File ID (FID), for us the FID of the ICCID EF is 2FE2, so we’ll SELECT file 2FE2.

Going back to what we learned in the last post about structuring APDUs, let’s create the APDU to SELECT 2FE2.

CLAClass bytes – Coding optionsA0 (ISO 7816-4 coding)
INSInstruction (Command) to be calledA4 (SELECT)
P1Parameter 1 – Selection Control (Limit search options)00 (Select by File ID)
P2Parameter 1 – More selection options04 (No data returned)
LcLength of Data 02 (2 bytes of data to come)
DataFile ID of the file to Select2FE2 (File ID of ICCID EF)

So that’s our APDU encoded, it’s final value will be A0 A4 00 04 02 2FE2

So let’s send that to the card, building on our code from before:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from smartcard.System import *
from smartcard.util import *
r = readers()
connection = r[0].createConnection()

print("Selecting ICCID File")
data, sw1, sw2 = connection.transmit(toBytes('00a40004022fe2'))
print("Returned data: " + str(data))
print("Returned Status Word 1: " + str(sw1))
print("Returned Status Word 2: " + str(sw2))

If we run this let’s have a look at the output we get,

We got back:

Selecting ICCID File
 Returned data: []
 Returned Status Word 1: 97
 Returned Status Word 2: 33

So what does this all mean?

Well for starters no data has been returned, and we’ve got two status words returned, with a value of 97 and 33.

We can lookup what these status words mean, but there’s a bit of a catch, the values we’re seeing are the integer format, and typically we work in Hex, so let’s change the code to render these values as Hex:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from smartcard.System import *
from smartcard.util import *
r = readers()
connection = r[0].createConnection()

print("Selecting ICCID File")
data, sw1, sw2 = connection.transmit(toBytes('00a40004022fe2'))
print("Returned data: " + str(data))
print("Returned Status Word 1: " + str(hex(sw1)))
print("Returned Status Word 2: " + str(hex(sw2)))

Now we’ll get this as the output:

Selecting ICCID File
Returned data: []
Returned Status Word 1: 0x61
Returned Status Word 2: 0x1e

So what does this all mean?

Well, there’s this handy website with a table to help work this out, but in short we can see that Status Word 1 has a value of 61, which we can see means the command was successfully executed.

Status Word 2 contains a value of 1e which tells us that there are 30 bytes of extra data available with additional info about the file. (We’ll cover this in a later post).

So now we’ve successfully selected the ICCID file.

Keeping in mind with smart cards we have to select a file before we can read it, so now let’s read the binary contents of the file we selected;

The READ BINARY command is used to read the binary contents of a selected file, and as we’ve already selected the file 2FE2 that contains our ICCID, if we run it, it should return our ICCID.

If we consult the table of values for the INS (Instruction) byte we can see that the READ BINARY instruction byte value is B0, and so let’s refer to the spec to find out how we should format a READ BINARY instruction:

CLAClass bytes – Coding optionsA0 (ISO 7816-4 coding)
INSInstruction (Command) to be calledB0 (READ BINARY)
P1Parameter 1 – Coding / Offset00 (No Offset)
P2Parameter 2 – Offset Low00
LeHow many bytes to read0A (10 bytes of data to come)

We know the ICCID file is 10 bytes from the specification, so the length of the data to return will be 0A (10 bytes).

Let’s add this new APDU into our code and print the output:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from smartcard.System import *
from smartcard.util import *
r = readers()
connection = r[0].createConnection()

print("Selecting ICCID File")
data, sw1, sw2 = connection.transmit(toBytes('00a40000022fe2'))
print("Returned data: " + str(data))
print("Returned Status Word 1: " + str(hex(sw1)))
print("Returned Status Word 2: " + str(hex(sw2)))

And we have read the ICCID of the card.


That’s the hardest thing we’ll need to do over.

From now on we’ll be building the concepts we covered here to build other APDUs to get our cards to do useful things. Now you’ve got the basics of how to structure an APDU down, the rest is just changing values here and there to get what you want.

In our next post we’ll read a few more files, write some files and delve a bit deeper into exactly what it is we are doing.

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Information stored on USIM / SIM Card for LTE / EUTRAN / EPC - K key, OP/OPc key and SQN Sequence Number

Confidentiality Algorithms in 3GPP Networks: MILENAGE, XOR & Comp128

We’ve covered a fair bit on authentication in 3GPP networks, SIM cards, HSS / AuC, etc, but never actually looked at the Confidentiality Algorithms in use,

LTE USIM Authentication - Mutual Authentication of the Network and Subscriber

While we’ve already covered the inputs required by the authentication elements of the core network (The HSS in LTE/4G, the AuC in UMTS/3G and the AUSF in 5G) to generate an output, it’s worth noting that the Confidentiality Algorithms used in the process determines the output.

This means the Authentication Vector (Also known as an F1 and F1*) generated for a subscriber using Milenage Confidentiality Algorithms will generate a different output to that of Confidentiality Algorithms XOR or Comp128.

To put it another way – given the same input of K key, OPc Key (or OP key), SQN & RAND (Random) a run with Milenage (F1 and F1* algorithm) would yield totally different result (AUTN & XRES) to the same inputs run with a simple XOR.

Technically, as operators control the network element that generates the challenges, and the USIM that responds to them, it is an option for an operator to implement their own Confidentiality Algorithms (Beyond just Milenage or XOR) so long as it produced the same number of outputs. But rolling your own cryptographic anything is almost always a terrible idea.

So what are the differences between the Confidentiality Algorithms and which one to use?
Spoiler alert, the answer is Milenage.


Milenage is based on AES (Originally called Rijndael) and is (compared to a lot of other crypto implimentations) fairly easy to understand,

AES is very well studied and understood and unlike Comp128 variants, is open for anyone to study/analyse/break, although AES is not without shortcomings, it’s problems are at this stage, fairly well understood and mitigated.

There are a few clean open source examples of Milenage implementations, such as this C example from FreeBSD.


It took me a while to find the specifications for the XOR algorithm – it turns out XOR is available as an alternate to Milenage available on some SIM cards for testing only, and the mechanism for XOR Confidentiality Algorithm is only employed in testing scenarios, not designed for production.

Instead of using AES under the hood like Milenage, it’s just plan old XOR of the keys.

Osmocom have an implementation of this in their CN code, you can find here.

Defined under 3GPP TS 34.108


Comp128 was originally a closed source algorithm, with the maths behind it not publicly available to scrutinise. It is used in GSM A3 and A5 functions, akin to the F1 and F1* in later releases.

Due to its secretive nature it wasn’t able to be studied or analysed prior to deployment, with the idea that if you never said how your crypto worked no one would be able to break it. Spoiler alert; public weaknesses became exposed as far back as 1998, which led to Toll Fraud, SIM cloning and eventually the development of two additional variants, with the original Comp128 renamed Comp128-1, and Comp128-2 (stronger algorithm than the original addressing a few of its flaws) and Comp128-3 (Same as Comp128-2 but with a 64 bit long key generated).

Into the Future & 5G later releases

As options beyond just USIM authentication become available for authentication in 5G SA networks, additional algorithms can be used beyond EAP and AKA, but at the time of writing only TLS has been added. 5G adds SUCI and SUPI which provide a mechanism to keep the private identifier (IMSI) away from prying eyes (or antenna), which I’ve detailed in this post.

SIM / Smart Card Deep Dive – Part 3 – APDUs and Hello Card

In our last post we covered the file system structure of a smart card and the basic concepts of communication with cards. In this post we’ll look at what happens on the application layer, and how to interact with a card.

For these examples I’ll be using SIM cards, because admit it, you’ve already got a pile sitting in a draw, and this is a telco blog after all. You won’t need the ADM keys for the cards, we’ll modify files we’ve got write access to by default.

Commands & Instructions

So to do anything useful with the card we need issue commands / instructions to the card, to tell it to do things. Instructions like select this file, read it’s contents, update the contents to something else, verify my PIN, authenticate to the network, etc.

The term Command and Instruction are used somewhat interchangeably in the spec, I realise that I’ve done the same here to make it just as confusing, but instruction means the name of the specific command to be called, and command typically means the APDU as a whole.

The “Generic Commands” section of 3GPP TS 31.101 specifies the common commands, so let’s take a look at one.

The creatively named SELECT command/instruction is used to select the file we want to work with. In the SELECT command we’ll include some parameters, like where to find the file, so some parameters are passed with the SELECT Instruction to limit the file selection to a specific area, etc, the length of the file identifier to come, and the identifier of the file.

The card responds with a Status Word, returned by the card, to indicate if it was successful. For example if we selected a file that existed and we had permission to select, we’d get back a status word indicating the card had successfully selected the file. Status Words are 2 byte responses that indicate if the instruction was successful, but also the card has data it wants to send to the terminal as a result of the instruction, how much data the terminal should expect.

So if we just run a SELECT command, telling the card to select a file, we’ll get back a successful response from the card with a data length. Next need to get that data from the card. As the card can’t initiate communication, the GET RESPONSE instruction is sent to the card to get the data from the card, along with the length of the data to be returned.

The GET RESPONSE instruction/command is answered by the card with an APDU containing the data the card has to send, and the last 2 bytes contain the Status Word indicating if it was successful or not.


So having covered the physical and link layers, we now move onto the Application Layer – where the magic happens.

Smart card communications is strictly master-slave based when it comes to the application layer.

The terminal sends a command to the card, which in turn sends back a response. Command -> Response, Command -> Response, over and over.

These commands are contained inside APplication Data Units (APDUs).

So let’s break down a simple APDU as it appears on the wire, so to speak.

The first byte of our command APDU is taken up with a header called the class byte, abbreviated to CLA. This specifies class coding, secure messaging options and channel options.

In the next byte we specify the Instruction for the command, that’s the task / operation we want the card to perform, in the spec this is abbreviated to INS.

The next two bytes, called P1 & P2 (Parameter 1 & Parameter 2) specify the parameters of how the instruction is to be to be used.

Next comes Lc – Length of Command, which specifies the length of the command data to follow,

Data comes next, this is instruction data of the length specified in Lc.

Finally an optional Le – Length of expected response can be added to specify how long the response from the card should be.

Crafting APDUs

So let’s encode our own APDU to send to a card, for this example we’ll create the APDU to tell the card to select the Master File (MF) – akin to moving to the root directory on a *nix OS.

For this we’ll want a copy of ETSI TS 102 221 – the catchily named “Smart cards; UICC-Terminal interface; Physical and logical characteristics” which will guide in the specifics of how to format the command, because all the commands are encoded in hexadecimal format.

So here’s the coding for a SELECT command from section “SELECT“,

For the CLA byte in our example we’ll indicate in our header that we’re using ISO 7816-4 encoding, with nothing fancy, which is denoted by the byte A0.

For the next but we’ve got INS (Instruction) which needs to be set to the hex value for SELECT, which is represented by the hex value A4, so our second byte will have that as it’s value.

The next byte is P1, which specifies “Selection Control”, the table in the specification outlines all the possible options, but we’ll use 00 as our value, meaning we’ll “Select DF, EF or MF by file id”.

The next byte P2 specifies more selection options, we’ll use “First or only occurrence” which is represented by 00.

The Lc byte defines the length of the data (file id) we’re going to give in the subsequent bytes, we’ve got a two byte File ID so we’ll specify 2 (represented by 02).

Finally we have the Data field, where we specify the file ID we want to select, for the example we’ll select the Master File (MF) which has the file ID ‘3F00‘, so that’s the hex value we’ll use.

So let’s break this down;

CLAClass bytes – Coding optionsA0 (ISO 7816-4 coding)
INSInstruction (Command) to be calledA4 (SELECT)
P1Parameter 1 – Selection Control (Limit search options)00 (Select by File ID)
P2Parameter 1 – More selection options00 (First occurrence)
LcLength of Data 02 (2 bytes of data to come)
DataFile ID of the file to Select3F00 (File ID of master file)

So that’s our APDU encoded, it’s final value will be A0 A4 00 00 02 3F00

So there we have it, a valid APDU to select the Master File.

In the next post we’ll put all this theory into practice and start interacting with a real life SIM cards using PySIM, and take a look at the APDUs with Wireshark.

SIM / Smart Card Deep Dive – Part 2 – Meet & Greet

Layer 1 – Pinout and Connections

Before we can get all excited about talking to cards, let’s look at how we interface with them on a physical level.

For “Classic” smart cards interface is through the fingernail sized contacts on the card.

As you’d expect there’s a VCC & Ground line for powering the card, a clock input pin for clocking it and a single I/O pin.

ISO/IEC 7816-3 defines the electrical interface and transmission protocols.

The pins on the terminal / card reader are arranged so that when inserting a card, the ground contact is the first contact made with the reader, this clever design consideration to protect the card and the reader from ESD damage.

Operating Voltages

When Smart Cards were selected for use in GSM for authenticating subscribers, all smart cards operated at 5v. However as mobile phones got smaller, the operating voltage range became more limited, the amount of space inside the handset became a premium and power efficiency became imperative. The 5v supply for the SIM became a difficult voltage to provide (needing to be buck-boosted) so lower 3v operation of the cards became a requirement, these cards are referred to as “Class B” cards. This has since been pushed even further to 1.8v for “Class C” cards.

If you found a SIM from 1990 it’s not going to operate in a 1.8v phone, but it’s not going to damage the phone or the card.

The same luckily goes in reverse, a card designed for 1.8v put into a phone from 1990 will work just fine at 5v.

This is thanks to the class flag in the ATR response, which we’ll cover later on.


As we’re sharing one I/O pin for TX and RX, clocking is important for synchronising the card and the reader. But when smart cards were initially designed the clock pin on the card also served as the clock for the micro controller it contained, as stable oscillators weren’t available in such a tiny form factor. Modern cards implement their own clock, but the clock pin is still required for synchronising the communication.

I/O Pin

The I/O pin is used for TX & RX between the terminal/phone/card reader and the Smart Card / SIM card. Having only one pin means the communications is half duplex – with the Terminal then the card taking it in turns to transmit.

Reset Pin

Resets the card’s communications with the terminal.


So a single smart card can run multiple applications, the “SIM” is just an application, as is USIM, ISIM and any other applications on the card.

These applications are arranged on a quasi-filesystem, with 3 types of files which can be created, read updated or deleted. (If authorised by the card.)

Because the file system is very basic, and somewhat handled like a block of contiguous storage, you often can’t expand a file – when it is created the required number of bytes are allocated to it, and no more can be added, and if you add file A, B and C, and delete file B, the space of file B won’t be available to be used until file C is deleted.

This is why if you cast your mind back to when contacts were stored on your phone’s SIM card, you could only have a finite number of contacts – because that space on the card had been allocated for contacts, and additional space can no longer be allocated for extra contacts.

So let’s take a look at our 3 file types:

MF (Master File)

The MF is like the root directory in Linux, under it contains all the files on the card.

DF (Dedciated File)

An dedicated file (DF) is essentially a folder – they’re sometimes (incorrectly) referred to as Directory Files (which would be a better name).

They contain one or more Elementary Files (see below), and can contain other DFs as well.

Dedicated Files make organising the file system cleaner and easier. DFs group all the relevant EFs together. 3GPP defines a dedicated file for Phonebook entries (DFphonebook), MBMS functions (DFtv) and 5G functions (DF5gs).

We also have ADFs – Application Dedicated Files, for specific applications, for example ADFusim contains all the EFs and DFs for USIM functionality, while ADFgsm contains all the GSM SIM functionality.

The actual difference with an ADF is that it’s not sitting below the MF, but for the level of depth we’re going into it doesn’t matter.

DFs have a name – an Application Identifier (AID) used to address them, meaning we can select them by name.

EF (Elementary File)

Elementary files are what would actually be considered a file in Linux systems.

Like in a Linux file systems EFs can have permissions, some EFs can be read by anyone, others have access control restrictions in place to limit who & what can access the contents of an EF.

There are multiple types of Elementary Files; Linear, Cyclic, Purse, Transparent and SIM files, each with their own treatment by the OS and terminal.

Most of the EFs we’ll deal with will be Transparent, meaning they ##

ATR – Answer to Reset

So before we can go about working with all our files we’ll need a mechanism so the card, and the terminal, can exchange capabilities.

There’s an old saying that the best thing about standards is that there’s so many to choose, from and yes, we’ve got multiple variants/implementations of the smart card standard, and so the card and the terminal need to agree on a standard to use before we can do anything.

This is handled in a process called Answer to Reset (ATR).

When the card is powered up, it sends it’s first suggestion for a standard to communicate over, if the terminal doesn’t want to support that, it just sends a pulse down the reset line, the card resets and comes back with a new offer.

If the card offers a standard to communicate over that the terminal does like, and does support, the terminal will send the first command to the card via the I/O line, this tells the card the protocol preferences of the terminal, and the card responds with it’s protocol preferences. After that communications can start.

Basic Principles of Smart Cards Communications

So with a single I/O line to the card, it kind of goes without saying the communications with the card is half-duplex – The card and the terminal can’t both communicate at the same time.

Instead a master-slave relationship is setup, where the smart card is sent a command and sends back a response. Command messages have a clear ending so the card knows when it can send it’s response and away we go.

Like most protocols, smart card communications is layered.

At layer 1, we have the physical layer, defining the operating voltages, encoding, etc. This is standardised in ISO/IEC 7816-3.

Above that comes our layer 2 – our Link Layer. This is also specified in ISO/IEC 7816-3, and typically operates in one of two modes – T0 or T1, with the difference between the two being one is byte-oriented the other block-oriented. For telco applications T0 is typically used.

Our top layer (layer 7) is the application layer. We’ll cover the details of this in the next post, but it carries application data units to and from the card in the form of commands from the terminal, and responses from the card.

Coming up Next…

In the next post we’ll look into application layer communications with cards, the commands and the responses.

SIM / Smart Card Deep Dive – Part 1 – Introduction to Smart Cards

I know a little bit about SIM cards / USIM cards / ISIM Cards.
Enough to know I don’t know very much about them at all.

So throughout this series of posts of unknown length, I’ll try and learn more and share what I’m learning, citing references as much as possible.

So where to begin? I guess at the start,

A supposedly brief history of Smart Cards

There are two main industries that have driven the development and evolution of smart cards – telecom & banking / finance, both initially focused on the idea that carrying cash around is unseemly.

This planet has – or rather had – a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movement of small green pieces of paper, which was odd because on the whole it wasn’t the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.

Douglas Adams – The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

When the idea of Credit / Debit Cards were first introduced the tech was not electronic, embossed letters on the card were fed through that clicky-clacky-transfer machine (Google tells me this was actually called the “credit card imprinter”) and the card details imprinted onto carbon copy paper.

Customers wanted something faster, so banks delivered magnetic strip cards, where the card data could be read even more quickly, but as the security conscious of you will be aware, storing data on magnetic strips on a card to be read by any reader, allows them to be read by any reader, and therefore duplicated really easily, something the banks quickly realised.

To combat this, card readers typically would have a way to communicate back to a central bank computer. The central computer verified the PIN entered by the customer was correct, confirmed that the customer had enough money in their balance for the transaction and it wasn’t too suspicious. This was, as you would imagine in the late 1980’s early 1990’s, rather difficult to achieve. A reliable (and cheap) connection back to a central bank computer wasn’t always a given, nor instant, and so this was still very much open to misuse.

“Carders” emmerged, buying/selling/capturing credit card details, and after programming a blank card with someone else’s fraudulently obtained card details, could write them on a blank card before going on a spending spree for a brief period of time. Racking up a giant debt that wasn’t reconciled against the central computer until later, when the card was thrown away and replaced with another.

I know what you’re thinking – I come to this blog for ramblings about Telecommunications, not the history of the banking sector. So let’s get onto telco;

The telecom sector faced similar issues, at the time mobile phones were in their infancy, and so Payphones were how people made calls when out and about.

A phone call from a payphone in Australia has sat at about $0.40 for a long time, not a huge amount, but enough you’d always want to be carrying some change if you wanted to make calls. Again, an inconvenience for customers as coins are clunky, and an inconvenience for operators as collecting the coins from tens of thousands of payphones is expensive.

Telcos around the world trailed solutions, including cards with magnetic strips containing the balance of the card, but again people quickly realised that you could record the contents of the magnetic stripe data of the card when it had a full balance, use all the balance on the card, and then write back the data you stored earlier with a full balance.

So two industries each facing the same issue: it’s hard to securely process payments offline in a way that can’t be abused.

Enter the smart card – a tiny computer in a card that the terminal (Payphone or Credit Card Reader) interacts with, but the card is very much in charge.

When used in a payphone, the caller inserts the smart card and dials the number, and dialog goes something like this (We’ll assume Meter Pulses are 40c worth):

Payphone: “Hey SmartCard, how much credit do you have on you?”

Smart Card: “I have $1.60 balance”

*Payphone ensures card has enough credit for the first meter pulse, and begins listening for Meter Pulses*

*When a meter pulse received:*

Payphone: “Please deduct $0.40 from your Balance”

Smart Card: “Ok, you have $1.20 remaining”

This process repeats for each meter pulse (Payphone metering is a discussion for another day) until all the credit has been used / Balance is less than 1 meter pulse charge.

While anyone could ask the smart card “Hey SmartCard, how much credit do you have on you?” it would only return the balance, and if you told the smart card “I used $1 credit, please deduct it” like the payphone did, you’d just take a dollar off the credit stored on the card.

Saying “Hey SmartCard set the balance to $1,000,000” would result in a raised eyebrow from the SmartCard who rejects the request.

After all – It’s a smart card. It has the capability to do that.

So in the telecom sector single use smart cards were rolled out, programmed in the factory with a set dollar value of credit, sold at that dollar value and thrown away when depleted.

The banking industry saw even more potential, balance could be stored on the card, and the PIN could be verified by the card, the user needs to know the correct PIN, as does the smart card, but the terminal doesn’t need to know this, nor does it need to talk back to a central bank computer all the time, just every so often so the user gets the bill.

It worked much the same way, although before allowing a deduction to be made from the balance of the card, a user would have to enter their PIN which was verified by the card before allowing the transaction.

Eventually these worlds collided (sort of), both wanting much the same thing from smart cards. So the physical characteristics, interface specs (rough ones) and basic communications protocol was agreed on, and what eventually became ISO/IEC 7816 was settled upon.

Any card could be read by any terminal, and it was up to the systems implementer (banks and telecos initially) what data the card did and what the terminal did.

Active RFID entered the scene and there wasn’t even a need for a physical connection to the card, but the interaction was the same. We won’t really touch on the RFID side, but all of this goes for most active RFID cards too.

Enter Software

Now the card was a defined standard all that was important really was the software on the card. Banks installed bank card software on their cards, while telcos installed payphone card software on theirs.

But soon other uses emerged, ID cards could provide a verifiable and (reasonably) secure way to verify the card’s legitimacy, public transport systems could store commuter’s fares on the card, and vending machines, time card clocks & medical records could all jump on the bandwagon.

These were all just software built on the smart card platform.

Hello SIM Cards

A early version Smart card was used in the German C-Netz cellular network, which worked in “mobile” phones and also payphones, to authenticate subscribers.

After that the first SIM cards came into the public sphere in 1991 with GSM as a way to allow a subscriber’s subscription to be portable between devices, and this was standardised by ETSI to become the SIM cards still used in networks using GSM, and evolved into the USIM used in 3G/4G/5G networks.

Names of Smart Cards & Readers

To make life a bit easier I thought I’d collate all the names for smart cards and readers that are kind of different but used interchangeably depending on the context.

Smart Card|Terminal
UICC (Universal Integrated Circuit Card) – Standards name for Smart CardCard Reader (Generic)
SIM (Mobile Telco application running on UICC)Phone (Telco)
USIM (Mobile Telco application running on UICC)SIM Slot (Telco)
Credit / Debit / EFTPOS Card (Banking)UE (Telco)
Java Card (Type of Smart Card OS)EFTPOS Terminal (Banking)
Phone Card (Telco / Payphone)

And then…

From here we’ll look at various topics:

  • Introduction to Smart Cards (This post)
  • Meet & Greet (The basics of Smart Cards & their File System)
  • APDUs and Hello Card (How terminals interact with a smart cards)
  • (Interacting with real life cards using Smart Card readers and SIM cards)
  • Mixing It Up (Changing values on Cards)

Other topics we may cover are Javacard and Global Platform, creating your own smart card applications, a deeper look at the different Telco apps like SIM/USIM/ISIM, OTA Updates for cards / Remote File Management (RFM), and developing for SimToolkit.

5G Subscriber Identifiers – SUCI & SUPI

The SUPI (Subscription Permanent Identifier) replaces the IMSI as the unique identifier for each Subscriber in 5G.

One of the issues with using IMSI in LTE/EUTRAN is there were a few occasions where the IMSI was sent over the clear – meaning the IMSIs of subscribers nearby could be revealed to anyone listening.

So what is a SUPI and what does it look like? Well, most likely it’ll look like an IMSI – 15 or 16 digits long, with the MCC/MNC as the prefix.

If you’re using a non-3GPP RAT it could be a RFC 4282 Network Access Identifier, but if it’s on a SIM card or in a Mobile Device, it’s probably exactly the same as the IMSI.

SUCI Subscription Concealed Identifier

Our SUPI is never sent over the air in the clear / plaintext, instead we rely on the SUCI (Subscription Concealed Identifier) for this, which replaces the GUTI/TMSI/IMSI for all plaintext transactions over the air.

Either the UE or the SIM generate the SUCI (if it’s done by the SIM it’s much slower), based on a set of parameters defined on the SIM.

The SUCI has to be generated by the UE or SIM in a way the Network can identify the SUPI behind the SUCI, but no one else can.

In LTE/EUTRAN this was done by the network randomly assigning a value (T-MSI / GUTI) and the network keeping track of which randomly assigned value mapped to which user, but initial attach and certain handovers revealed the real IMSI in the clear, so for 5G this isn’t an option.

So let’s take a look at how SUCI is calculated in a way that only the network can reveal the SUPI belonging to a SUCI.

The Crypto behind SUCI Calculation

As we’ll see further down, SUCI is actually made up of several values concatenated together. The most complicated of these values is the Protection Scheme Output, the cryptographically generated part of the SUCI that can be used to determine the SUPI by the network.

Currently 3GPP defines 3 “Protection Scheme Profiles” for calculating the SUCI.

Protection Scheme Identifier 1 – null-scheme

Does nothing. Doesn’t conceal the SUPI at all. If this scheme is used then the Protection Scheme Output is going to just be the SUPI, for anyone to sniff off the air.

Protection Scheme Identifier 2 & 3 – ECIES scheme profile A & B

The other two Protection Scheme Identifiers both rely on Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme (ECIES) for generation.

This is better known as Elliptic Curve Encryption Scheme, it’s primarily used for Cryptography. Crypto is crazy complex, and I’m a mere mathematical mortal, but there’s a great post on the Cloudflare blog on the topic that touches on Elliptic Curve Encryption.

So if both Profile A & Profile B rely on Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme, then what’s the difference between the two?

Well dear reader, the answer is semantics! There’s lots of parameters and variables that go into generating a resulting value from a cryptographic function, and Profile A & Profile B are just different parameters being used to generate the results.

For crypto nerds you can find the specifics in C.3.4.1 Profile A and C.3.4.1 Profile B outlined in 3GPP TS 33.501.

For non crypto nerds we just need to know this;

When the SIM is generating the SUCI the UE just asks for an identity by executing the GET IDENTITY command ADF against the SIM and uses the response as the SUCI.

When the UE is generating the SUCI, the UE gets the SUCI_Calc_Info EF contents from the SIM and extracts the Home Network Public Key from it’s reply. It uses this Home Network Public Key and a freshly created ephemeral public/private key pair to generate a SUCI value to use.

Creating the SUCI

After generating a Protection Scheme Output, we’ll need to add some extra info into it to make it useful.

The first digit of the SUCI is the SUPI type, a value of 0 denotes the value contained in the Protection Scheme Output is an IMSI, while 1 is used for Network Access Indicator for Non 3GPP access.

Next up we have the Home Network Identifier, which in a mobile environment is our PLMN (MCC/MCC).

Then a Routing Indicator, 1-4 digits long, is used with the Home Network Identifier to route the Authentication traffic to the UDM that contains that subscriber’s information, ie you may have MVNOs with their own UDM. If the routing indicator of 10 is assigned to the MVNOs SIMs then the AMF can be set to route traffic with a routing indicator of 10 to the UDM of the VMNO.

The Protection Scheme we covered earlier, with the 3 types of protection scheme (Null & two relying on Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme).

Home Network Public Key Identifier identifies which Public Key was used to generate the Protection Scheme Output.

Finally we have the Protection Scheme Output which we covered generating in the previous session.

Usage in Signaling

The SUPI is actually rarely used beyond the initial attach to the network.

After authenticating to the network using AKA and the SUCI, in 5GC, like in LTE/EUTRAN, a shorter GUTI is used which further protects the subscriber’s identity and changes frequently.

IDEALte SIM Shim Unlock Card

SIM Unlock Shims

There’s a lot of “Magic Unlock SIM” products online; IdeaLTE, U-SIM LTE 4G Pro II (sic), UltraSIM, TurboSIM etc, with no real description as to what they are or how they work,

They claim to do something to do with unlocking iPhones, but with little other info.

Being interested in SIM technology, and with no real idea what they are I ordered a few.

What are they?

They’re man-in-the-middle SIM card devices that are able to intercept requests from the UE / baseband of the device.

They sit on top of the real SIM card, between it and the SIM Slot.

One of the ones I bought had a sticker on it that helped stick it into place, the other just sat above the SIM below the phone.

This means when the UE sends the APDU to request some data from the card, the SIM-shim device analyses the request, and if it matches the rules on the SIM-Shim, intercepts it and responds with something else, ignoring the data the real SIM card would send back and injecting its own,

The use for this seems to be to do with how Apple does Carrier Locking on the iPhone. It seems in the iPhone carrier settings are ranges of ICCIDs used by the different carriers for their SIMs, and uses that to identify the carrier of the SIM.

With this information it’s able to determine if the SIM card is from the carrier the iPhone is locked to or not,

Now you’re probably seeing the value in this attack – By intercepting the request for the ICCID of the card, and instead of responding with the real ICCID, the SIM-Shim intercepts the request and sending back an ICCID of a card the iPhone is carrier locked to, the iPhone is tricked into thinking it’s talking to a card from the carrier the phone is locked to.

So let’s say we’ve got an iPhone from Carrier A, and they’ve told Apple their SIM cards have ICCIDs in the range from 0001 to 0005,
If I put a SIM card with the ICCID 0003 the iPhone knows it’s a SIM from Carrier A,
If I put in a SIM card with ICCID 9999 the iPhone knows the SIM is not from carrier A, and therefore prevents me from using the iPhone,
But if I put in one of these SIM Shims, when the iPhone ask the ICCID of the card, the SIM Shim will respond with an ICCID we set on it, so if we want to use SIM with ICCID 9999 in a phone locked to Carrier A, all we’ve got to do is setup the SIM-Shim to respond with ICCID of 0001 for example.

Phew. Ok, that’s the short run down on how it works (There’s more to activating iPhones but we’re here to talk about SIMs!).

The Hardware

So physically these are “shims” – they sit between the real SIM and the mobile phone and intercept the communications.

It blows my mind that someone’s been able to manufacture these in such a small form factor.

But there is one rather glaring flaw in having a tiny wafer that sits on top of your regular SIM, and that is if it pops up/down/ get loose and become hellish to get out.

I found their insertion and removal is a bit of a game of Russian roulette as to if it will go in, or come out, without brute force and potential damage to the device.

In the end on one iPhone I had to force the SIM tray out with a set of needle nose pliers, and my little SIM-shim was pretty beaten up and no longer useable. RIP SIM-Shim 1.

I think this may have been an early version of the same thing? Or possibly to allow dual SIM on an iPhone?

The Software

Interacting with the IdealLTE for example, is via SIM Toolkit Application for managing ICCIDs.

You can set any ICCID you want, which is cool, but limited.

Unfortunately I haven’t been able to find any way of messing with these to allow interception / replacement for other APDUs, for example if you could change the Administrative Domain to get higher access to the network.

I will at some stage put these into a SIMtrace and compare the output, and have a poke around and see if I can find anyway to change / update these, or if there’s any APDUs it responds interestingly to.

Unfortunately I’ve actually lost the new unit I had to replace the one I broke, they are very very small…

I reached out to the developer / vendor but they seem to go dark and popup under a different name, I’m not holding my breath…

Wireshark Filtering S1AP to find Subscriber Signaling

The S1 interface can be pretty noisy, which makes it hard to find the info you’re looking for.

So how do we find all the packets relating to a single subscriber / IMSI amidst a sea of S1 packets?

The S1 interface only contains the IMSI in certain NAS messages, so the first step in tracing a subscriber is to find the initial attach request from that subscriber containing the IMSI.

Luckily we can filter in Wireshark to find the IMSI we’re after;

e212.imsi == "001010000000001"

The Wireshark e212 filter filters for ITU-T E.212 payloads (ITU-T E.212 is the spec for PLMN identifiers).

Quick note – Not all IntialUEMessages will contain the IMSI – If the subscriber has already established comms with the MME it’ll instead be using a temporary identifier – M-TMSI, unless you’ve got a way to see the M-TMSI -> IMSI mapping on the MME you’ll be out of luck.

Next up let’s take a look at the contents of one of these packets,

Inside the protocolIEs is the MME_UE_S1AP_ID – This unique identifier will identify all S1 signalling for a single user.

The MME_UE_S1AP_ID is a unique identifier, assigned by the MME to identify which signaling messages are for which subscriber.

(It’s worth noting the MME_UE_S1AP_ID is only unique to the MME – If you’ve got multiple MMEs the same MME_UE_S1AP_ID could be assigned by each).

So now we have the MME_UE_S1AP_ID, we can filter all S1 messaging containing that MME_UE_S1AP_ID, we’ll use this Wireshark filter to get it:

s1ap.MME_UE_S1AP_ID == 2

Boom, there’s a all the signalling for that subscriber.

Alternatively you can just right click on the value and apply it as a filter instead of typing everything in,

Hopefully that’ll help you filter to find what you’re looking for!

Android Carrier Privileges

So a problem had arisen, carriers wanted to change certain carrier related settings on devices (Specifically the Carrier Config Manager) in the Android ecosystem. The Android maintainers didn’t want to open the permissions to change these settings to everyone, only the carrier providing service to that device.

And if you purchased a phone from Carrier A, and moved to Carrier B, how do you manage the permissions for Carrier B’s app and then restrict Carrier A’s app?

Enter the Android UICC Carrier Privileges.

The carrier loads a certificate onto the SIM Cards, and signing Android Apps with this certificate, allowing the Android OS to verify the certificate on the card and the App are known to each other, and thus the carrier issuing the SIM card also issued the app, and presto, the permissions are granted to the app.

Carriers have full control of the UICC, so this mechanism provides a secure and flexible way to manage apps from the mobile network operator (MNO) hosted on generic app distribution channels (such as Google Play) while retaining special privileges on devices and without the need to sign apps with the per-device platform certificate or preinstall as a system app.

UICC Carrier Privileges doc

Once these permissions are granted your app is able to make API calls related to:

  • APN Settings
  • Roaming/nonroaming networks
  • Visual voicemail
  • SMS/MMS network settings
  • VoLTE/IMS configurations
  • OTA Updating SIM Cards
  • Sending PDUs to the card

Diameter Dispatches: S6a Authentication Information Request / Answer

This is part of a series of posts focusing on common Diameter request pairs, looking at what’s inside and what they do.

The Authentication Information Request (AIR) and Authentication Information Answer (AIA) are one of the first steps in authenticating a subscriber, and a very common Diameter transaction.

The Process

The Authentication Information Request (AIR) is sent by the MME to the HSS to request when a Subscriber begins to attach containing the IMSI of the subscriber trying to connect.

If the subscriber’s IMSI is known to the HSS, the AuC will generate Authentication Vectors for the Subscriber, and repond back to the MME in an Authentication Information Answer (AIA).

For more information on how the Authentication process works and what the authentication vectors do, I’ve written about that quite extensively here.- HSS & USIM Authentication in LTE.

The Authentication Information Request (AIR)

The AIR is a comparatively simple request, without many AVPs;

The Session-Id, Auth-Session-State, Origin-Host, Origin-Realm & Destination-Realm are all common AVPs that have to be included.

The Username AVP (AVP 1) contains the username of the subscriber, which in this case is the IMSI.

The Requested-EUTRAN-Authentication-Info AVP ( AVP 1408 ) contains information in regards to what authentication info the MME is requesting from the subscriber, typically this indicates the MME is requesting 1 vector (Number-Of-Requested-Vectors (AVP 1410)), an immediate response is preferred (Immediate-Response-Preferred (AVP 1412)), and if the subscriber is re-resyncing the SQN will include a Re-Synchronization-Info AVP (AVP 1411).

The Visited-PLMN-Id AVP (AVP 1407) contains information regarding the PLMN of the RAN the Subscriber is connecting to.

The Authentication Information Answer (AIA)

The Authentication Information Answer contains several mandatory AVPs that would be expected, The Session-Id, Auth-Session-State, Origin-Host and Origin-Realm.

The Result Code (AVP 268) indicates if the request was successful or not, 2001 indicates DIAMETER SUCCESS.

The Authentication-Info (AVP 1413) contains the returned vectors, in LTE typically only one vector is returned, a sub AVP called E-UTRAN-Vector (AVP 1414), which contains AVPs with the RAND, XRES, AUTN and KASME keys.

Further Reading & References

3GPP TS 29.272 version 15.10.0 Release 15

Example Packet Capture (PCAP) of Message Flow